2D/3D CAD models available in all major format!
Pressure Sensors & Liquid Leak Sensor available,
in addition to Switches & Trimmer Potentiometers
We provide online 2D/3D CAD models including switches, trimmer potentiometers, pressure sensors, and liquid leak sensors.
The website provided is "PART Community", a community site powered by CADENAS WEB2CAD Inc. Supporting formats are about 100 types, which are compatible with all major CAD systems, so you can choose the most appropriate format to your own CAD environment.

3D software is becoming widespread worldwide, and we believe that providing 3D CAD models for our own products as an electronic component manufacturer will lead to further improvements in servicing our customers. It will be our great pleasure if our CAD models delivered through a world famous community site help customers at their tasks in R&D or Designing process. We hope you all enjoy it !
2D/3D CAD models acquisition step
1. Click on the product at the bottom of this page. -
2. Please select the product type you are looking for from the product categories. -
3. On the product list page, click a 2D/3D CAD button. You can also get CAD models by each part number from the product details page in the same way. -
4. The screen will switch to the login page. Enter your ID and password to log in and proceed, you can move to the PARTcommunity portal site powered by CADENAS WEB2CAD to get CAD models.※To log in, you first register as a member our website.
1. Click on the product at the bottom of this page. -
2. Please select the product type you are looking for from the product categories. -
3. From the product page, click the 2D/3D CAD models link.- ※
- If desired, you can also select a model from the details page to get a CAD model.
4. The screen will switch to the login screen. Enter your ID and password to log in and get a CAD model from the CAD model providing community site.※To log in, you must first register as a member of our website.
CAD models listed product category