





Trimmer potentiometer ST-5

●To buy this product, please go to the following Online Web stores.
To the Trimmer potentiometer “ST-5 series” page on the DigiKey online shop
To the Trimmer potentiometer “ST-5 series” page on the Mouser online shop
To the Trimmer potentiometer “ST-5 series” page on the Newark online shop

Surface Mount Cermet Trimmers (14 turns)


  • Precise adjustment is possible
  • Automatic mounting is possible (Taping)
  • Flow/reflow soldering is possible
  • Sealed construction (Washable)
  • In this series, material data sheets ideal for REACH-SVHC
    surveys etc. can be downloaded in chemSHERPA-AI format.
  • Download chemSHERPA-AI from the list of P/N below

Electrical Characteristics

Nominal resistance range 10 Ω ~ 2 MΩ
Resistance tolerance ± 10 %
Power ratings 0.25 W (85 °C) 0 W (120 °C)
Resistance law Linear law (B)
Maximum input voltage DC200 V or power rating, whichever is smaller
Maximum wiper current 100 mA or power rating, whichever is smaller
Effective electrical turn 11 turns
End resistance 1 % or 2 Ω , whichever is greater
C.R.V. 1 % or 3 Ω , whichever is greater
Operating temp. range -55 ~ 120 °C
Temp. coefficient 10 Ω ~ 50 Ω: ± 250 10-6/°C maximum
100 Ω ~ 2 MΩ: ± 100 10-6/°C maximum
Insulation resistance 1000 MΩ minimum (DC500 V)
Dielectric strength AC 600 V, 60 s
Net weight Approx. 0.35 g

Mechanical Characteristics

Mechanical turn 14 turns
Operating torque 20 mN·m {204 gf·cm} maximum
Mechanical stop Clutch action
Rotational life 200 cycles
10 Ω ~ 200 Ω [ Δ R/R ≦ ± (0.5 Ω +3 %)]
500 Ω ~ 2 M Ω [ Δ R/R ≦ ± (0.5 Ω +2 %)]
Thrust to shaft 5 N {0.51 kgf} minimum
Solderability 245 ±3°C, 2~3 s
Shear (Adhesion) 5 N {0.51 kgf} 10 s
Substrate bending Width 90 mm, bend 3 mm, 5 s, 1 time
Pull-off strength 5 N {0.51 kgf} 10 s

Environmental Characteristics

Test itemTest conditionsSpecifications
Thermal shock -65~125 °C (0.5 h), 5 cycles [ΔR/R ≦ 2%]
[S.S. ≦ 1%]
Humidity -10~65 °C (Relative humidity 80~98%), 10 cycles, 240 h [ΔR/R ≦ 1%]
Humidity 981 m/s2, 6 ms 6 directions for 3 times each [ΔR/R ≦ 1%]
[S.S. ≦ 1%]
Vibration Amplitude 1.52 mm or Acceleration 196 m/s210~2000 Hz, 3 directions, 12 times each [ΔR/R ≦ 1%]
[S.S. ≦ 1%]
Load life 85 °C, 0.25 W, 1000 h [ΔR/R ≦ 2 %]
[S.S. ≦ 1 %]
Low temp. operation -55 °C, 2 h [ΔR/R ≦ 2%]
[S.S. ≦ 2%]
High temp. exposure 125 °C, 250 h [ΔR/R ≦ 2%]
[S.S. ≦ 2%]
Immersion seal 85 °C, 60 s No leaks (No continuous bubbles)
Soldering heat
  • Flow : 260 ± 3 °C as the temperature in a pot of molten solder, immer sion from head of ter minal to backside of board, 5 ~ 6 s, two times maximum
  • Reflow : Peak temperature 255 °C (Please refer to the profile below.)
  • Manual soldering:350 ± 10 °C, 3 ~ 4 s
[ΔR/R ≦ 1%]
Δ R/R: Change in total resistance
S.S.: Setting stability
〈Reflow profile for soldering heat evaluation〉

Maximum Input Ratings

Nominal resistance values(Ω)Resistance codeMaximum input voltage(V)Maximum wiper current (mA)
10 100 1.00 100
20 200 2.00 100
50 500 3.53 70.7
100 101 5.00 50.0
200 201 7.07 35.4
500 501 11.2 22.4
1k 102 15.8 15.8
2k 202 22.4 11.2
5k 502 35.4 7.07
10k 103 50.0 5.00
20k 203 70.7 3.54
50k 503 112 2.24
100k 104 158 1.58
200k 204 200 1.00
500k 504 200 0.40
1M 105 200 0.20
2M 205 200 0.10
The products indicated by ※ mark are manufactured upon receipt of order basis.

Part Number Designation

ST-5ETW500 Ω (501)


Terminal pin

Sn (Lead-free)

Form of packaging

T: Taping (Reel)

M: Magazine (Stick)


Bulk in

plastic bag

Terminal shape (Adjust Pos.)※1

W: Gull wing (Top adjustment)

X: Gull wing (Side adjustment)

P: Gull wing (Side adjustment)

R: Gull wing (Side adjustment)

Resistance value (Resistance code)

Nominal resistance values 10 Ω*, 20 Ω*, 50 Ω, 100 Ω, 200 Ω, 500 Ω, 1 kΩ, 2 kΩ, 5 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 20 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 100 kΩ, 200 kΩ, 500 kΩ, 1 MΩ, 2 MΩ
When ordering, please be sure to include the above nominal resistance value at the end of the part number in the table list below. *10 Ω item, 20 Ω item are made to order.
For resistance code, please refer to the Maximum Input Ratings table in the previous section.

List of Part Numbers



CAD and chemSHERPA-AI (a material data sheet ideal for REACH surveys, etc. / version: 2.10.00 or 2.09.00 available) can be downloaded from the button for each P/N in the table below. *Need to log in to download.
Part No.Shape of terminalAdjustment positionForm of packagingPieces in packageMaterial dataCAD
ST-5ETW Gull wing Top Adjustment Taping (Reel) 500 pcs./reel
ST-5EMW Gull wing Top Adjustment Magazine (Stick) 50 pcs./stick
ST-5EW Gull wing Top Adjustment Bulk in plastic bag 50 pcs./pack
ST-5ETX Gull wing Side Adjustment Taping (Reel) 500 pcs./reel
ST-5EMX Gull wing Side Adjustment Magazine (Stick) 50 pcs./stick
ST-5EX Gull wing Side Adjustment Bulk in plastic bag 50 pcs./pack
ST-5ETP Gull wing Side Adjustment Taping (Reel) 500 pcs./reel
ST-5EMP Gull wing Side Adjustment Magazine (Stick) 50 pcs./stick
ST-5EP Gull wing Side Adjustment Bulk in plastic bag 50 pcs./pack
ST-5ETR Gull wing Side Adjustment Taping (Reel) 500 pcs./reel
ST-5EMR Gull wing Side Adjustment Magazine (Stick) 50 pcs./stick
ST-5ER Gull wing Side Adjustment Bulk in plastic bag 50 pcs./pack

Outline Dimensions

Unless otherwise specified, tolerance: ± 0.3 (Unit: mm)

Recommended P.C.B. Pad Outline Dimensions

(Unit: mm)

Packaging Specifications

〈Magazine packaging specifications〉

Magazine is packed 50 pcs. per stick.
Orders will be accepted for units of 50 pcs., i.e., 50, 100, 150 pcs., etc.
Magazines are packed 2000 pcs. per box.
  • ●Magazine dimensions
    (Unit: mm)

〈Bulk pack specifications〉

Unit of bulk in a plastic bag is 50 pcs. per pack.
Boxing of bulk in a plastic bag is performed with 200 pcs. per box.

Environmental Certificate

●The above contents and descriptions are subject to change without notice. 



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