니덱컴포넌츠코리아 HP
니덱컴포넌츠코리아 HP









●구매를 원하시면 대리점에 문의하시거나, 아래 전자상거래사이트를 이용하시기 바랍니다.
판매채널  ;당사 대리점을 클릭확인하세요.
판매채널당사 대리점은 여기를 클릭하시고 확인하십시오.
Chip One Stop 온라인 판매 스토어로

슬림 피아노형 스위치


특 징특 징
  • 실장 높이 5 mm의 슬림 설정

  • 금도금 트윈 접점에서 뛰어난 접촉 안정성

  • 테이프 씰링에 의해 세척 가능

  • 명쾌한 클릭 감

표준 사양

사용 온도 범위 − 40 ~ 85 °C
저장 온도 범위 − 40 ~ 85 °C
밀폐성 테이프 씰이 부착 된 세척 가능 있음
질량 Approx. 0.28 g (CYP-02) Approx. 0.50 g (CYP-04)
Approx. 0.73 g (CYP-06) Approx. 0.97 g (CFP-08)
Approx. 1.16 g (CFP-10)

전기적 특성

접점 정격 Non-switching DC50 V 100 mA
Switching DC6 V, 100 mA  DC24 V, 
Minimum 25 mA DC20 mV 1 μA
접촉 저항 100 mΩ maximum
절연 저항 1000 MΩ (DC100 V) minimum
내전압 AC500 V, 60 s

기계적 특성

작동력 0.3 ~ 5 N {0.03 ~ 0.51 kgf} maximum
조작부 강도 8 N {0.82 kgf} 60 s
납땜 성 245 ± 3 °C, 2 ~ 3 s
납땜 내열성 플로 : 260 ± 3 ° C, 5 ~ 6 s, two times maximum
리플 : 255 ° C (Peak temperature)
손 납땜 : 350 ± 10 ° C 3 ~ 4 s
고착성 5 N {0.51 kgf} 10 s
내접판 굽힘 성 Width 90 mm, bend 3 mm, 5 s, 1 time
당겨 떼어 낼 때의 강도 5 N {0.51 kgf} 10 s

환경 특성

내진성 진폭 1.5 mm (전체 크기) or 가속도 98 m/s2,10-500 Hz, 3 directions for 10 cycles each
내 충격성 490 m/s , 11 ms, 6 directions for 3 times each
내구성 Continuous load 500 cycles, DC6 ± 0.5 V, 100 ± 10 mA
온도 / 습도 사이클 −10 ~ 65 °C,  Relative humidity 0 ~ 96 %,24 h for 10 cycles
내열성 85 °C, 96 h
내한성 − 40 °C, 96 h
온도 사이클 − 40 (0.5 h) ~ 85 °C (0.5 h), 5 cycles

모델 번호 지정

CYP -0801TB


02: 2극

04: 4극

06: 6극
08: 8극


ON 방향



0 : 플랫 레버 (테이프 씰 있음)

1 : 플랫 레버 (테이프 씰 없음)

2 : 볼록 레버 (테이프 씰 없음)

포장 형태

T : 테이핑 (릴)
M : 매거진

단자 형상

B : 가르 윙
C : 스루 홀 핀

모델 번호 목록

① 플랫 레버 (테이프 씰 없음)

모델 번호극수ON 방향단자 형상포장 형태CAD
CYP-0202MB 2 Upper Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0212TB 2 Lower Gull wing Taping
CYP-0212MB 2 Lower Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0402TB 4 Upper Gull wing Taping
CYP-0402MB 4 Upper Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0412TB 4 Lower Gull wing Taping
CYP-0412MB 4 Lower Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0602TB 6 Upper Gull wing Taping
CYP-0602MB 6 Upper Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0612TB 6 Lower Gull wing Taping
CYP-0612MB 6 Lower Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0802TB 8 Upper Gull wing Taping
CYP-0802MB 8 Upper Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0812TB 6 Lower Gull wing Taping
CYP-0812MB 6 Lower Gull wing Magazine
CYP-1002TB 10 Upper Gull wing Taping
CYP-1002MB 10 Upper Gull wing Magazine
CYP-1002MB 10 Lower Gull wing Taping
CYP-1012MB 10 Lower Gull wing Magazine
CYP-0202MC 2 Upper Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-C0212M 2 Lower Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-0402MC 4 Upper Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-0412MC 4 Lower Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-0602MC 6 Upper Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-0612MC 6 Lower Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-0802MC 8 Upper Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-0812MC 8 Lower Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-1002MC 10 Upper Through hole pins Magazine
CYP-1012MC 10 Lower Through hole pins Magazine

凸볼록 레버 (테이프 씰 없음)

모델 번호극수ON 方向포장 형태단자 형상CAD
CYP-0200TB 2 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0200MB 2 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0210TB 2 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0210MB 2 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0400TB 4 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0400MB 4 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0410TB 4 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0410MB 4 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0600TB 6 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0600MB 6 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0610TB 6 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0610MB 6 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0800TB 8 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0800MB 8 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0810TB 8 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0810MB 8 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-1000TB 10 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-1000MB 10 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-1010TB 10 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-1010MB 10 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0200MC 2 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0210MC 2 Lower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0400MC 4 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0410MC 4 Lower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0600MC 6 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0610MC 6 Lower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0800MC 8 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0810MC 8 Lower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-1000MC 10 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-1010MC 10 Lower Magazine Through hole pins

③플랫 레버 (테이프 씰 있음)

모델 번호극수ON 방향포장 형태단자 형상CAD
CYP-0201TB 2 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0201MB 2 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0211TB 2 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0211MB 2 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0401TB 4 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0401MB 4 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0411TB 4 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0411MB 4 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0601TB 6 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0601MB 6 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0611TB 6 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0611MB 6 ower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0801TB 8 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-0801MB 8 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0811TB 8 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-0811MB 8 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-1001TB 10 Upper Taping Gull wing
CYP-1001MB 10 Upper Magazine Gull wing
CYP-1011TB 10 Lower Taping Gull wing
CYP-1011MB 10 Lower Magazine Gull wing
CYP-0201MC 2 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0211MC 2 Lower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0401MC 4 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0411MC 4 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0601MC 6 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0611MC 6 ower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0801MC 8 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-0811MC 8 Lower Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-1001MC 10 Upper Magazine Through hole pins
CYP-1011MC 10 Lower Magazine Through hole pins

외형 치수도


권장 랜드 패턴




〈Taping packaging specifications〉

Taping version is packaged in 700 pcs. per reel. Orders will be accepted for units of 700 pcs., i.e., 700, 1400, 2100 pcs., etc.
Taping version is boxed with 1 reel.
Maximum number of consecutive missing pieces = 2 Leader length and reel dimension are shown in the diagrams below:


  • ● Embossed tape dimensions
  • ● Reel dimensions 

No. of bitsAW1W2N
2 φ 330 ± 2 25.4 ± 1 29.4 ± 1 φ 80 ± 1
8 33.4 ± 1 37.4 ± 1
10 45.4 ± 1 49.4 ± 1
  • ● 2, 4, 6 bits
  • ● 8, 10 bits

No. of bitsBCD
2 16 7.5 ± 0.1
4 24

11.5 ± 0.1
8 32 14.2 ± 0.1 28.4 ± 0.1
10 42 20.2 ± 0.1 40.4 ± 0.1

〈Magazine packaging specifications〉

Packing quantities of magazines are different depending on the bit number of the switches.
Please order the multiple numbers of the specific packing quantities.
(e.g. 70 pcs., 140 pcs., 210 pcs., etc., in case of 2 bits version.)

【Pieces in package】
  2 bits, 70 pcs. / stick
  4 bits, 40 pcs. / stick
  6 bits, 28 pcs. / stick
  8 bits, 20 pcs. / stick
10 bits, 16 pcs. / stick

RoHS 규제 물질 자기 선언서 (영어)

●본 게재 내용은 예고없이 변경되거나 삭제될 수 있으므로 미리 양해 부탁드립니다.



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